Rules of the order for creation of the site on the Internet
Column of sections of present rules SPbmasters:
1. An introductory part.
2. Accommodation of a site.
3. The order of payment of the order.
4. It is forbidden.
5. Sites in Russian and English language.
6. About the schedule of pages of a site
7. About terms of manufacturing of a site
8. Technical support of a site
9. Subjects of sites to order
10. Registration rights and conditions
11. Additional conditions
To proceed to Russian language
1. An introductory part
The person ordering a site, further is called: - the customer. SPbmaster - private club
a web of masters from city of Saint Petersburg, Russia, carries out private orders for creation and manufacturing of
sites from the customer. The customer orders, and Spbmaster creates (makes), agrees the accepted order, a site.
Communication(Connection) between the customer and Spbmaster: the order, reserves and arrangements, other necessary information,
occurs by e-mail.
Payment of work executed Spbmaster the customer is made according to the accepted quotations and the
accepted order of payment. Spbmaster accepts payment extremely for: manufacturing and creation of a site on local
computer Spbmaster; for design of the developed site; for the Internet the traffic spent Spmaster on
accommodation of a site in a network the Internet, registration of a site in popular search machines and catalogues of the Internet;
for technical support of a site. In unusual cases Spbmaster can change the accepted quotations.
2. Accommodation of a site
We free-of-charge place the site ordered by you on free-of-charge service a Yandex which during
the work in a network the Internet has recommended itself as the most reliable, popular and representing many
opportunities, a hosting. From a rule of a Yandex and the user agreements you can will familiarize under
the reference: http://www.narod.ru.
Spbmaster creating and registering a site undertakes to not break the User agreement and rules of a Yandex.
Spbmaster agrees to not reproduce, to not repeat and to not copy, to not sell and to not resell, and also to
not use for any commercial objectives any parts of services of a Yandex, use of services or access to
At accommodation of the ordered site on www.narod.ru you receive the address of a site. An example: http://mainsayt.narod.ru/xxx,
where: mainsayt is a name of your site in English; further it is necessary - .narod.ru/; further xxx - there
is a name of page of a site, for example: main - index.html. You can pick up the name of a site. Try
to pick up set of names as very much many popular and short names are already occupied. If the name is occupied,
we shall suggest you some the variants.
We shall place the site created originally on www.narod.ru then we inform you about it. You see
a site, and inform us about necessary completions and changes which you want to see. After completion of
a site according to desire of the customer there is a process of the advance payment.
3. The order of payment of the order
After approval of a site by the customer there is a process of the advance payment of work Spbmastera
at a rate of 50 - 100 %, depending on desire of the customer. After registration of the ordered site in search machines and
catalogues of the Internet, and also technical support of a site on advertising, final payment is made.
We value the reputation. Spbmasters is the certificated participant of system WebMoney. Check
up the certificate you can having pressed on the corresponding image in the bottom of page.
Payment is made on virtual account Spbmasters by translation from a virtual purse of the customer or
through cash translation through branches of mail of the Russian Federation.
For more detailed acquaintance with our quotations
and ways of payment press - " our quotations ".
About that how start the virtual purse on the Internet you can to familiarize on a site:
We place a site on a free-of-charge hosting as it favourably all. Try and consider, how many there
will be a payment of a paid hosting, creation of a site, technical and advertising support? The difference is obvious.
4. It is forbidden
Orders for manufacturing of sites of pornographic character and with the contents
of other information of the Russian Federation forbidden by the legislation which is illegal, nocuous, menacing,
slanderous are not accepted, offends morals, breaks copyrights, propagandizes hatred or
discrimination of people to a racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social attribute, contains
insults to address of concrete persons or the organizations. We, and also you accept conditions and rules of
services (hostings), etc. services where in the subsequent will be or your Internet - a resource and
by that we undertake to not break their rule and restriction is registered.
We can give up to anyone, in reception of the order for manufacturing of a site, without an explanation of the reasons.
5. Sites in Russian and English language
Spbmaster creates sites in two languages:
- Russian - registration in a Runet, an orientation on the Russian-speaking population;
- Russian and English together - registration in a Runet and popular search machines of
the English-speaking population, the general orientation;
- Russian translation is a translation of sites and a web of pages from English into Russian language and registration in a Runet,
an orientation: on the Russian-speaking population, with the purpose to inform the necessary information with English-speaking
a web of resources. Such orders are accepted from direct owners of English-speaking sites, after the certain check,
for example after accommodation on the English version of a site of the time reference, a sign, figure, a word....
The site can be ordered: in Russian, or in Russian together with pages in
English, or it is translated by us from English language and it is registered in a Runet in
Russian if it does not break whose or the author's or adjacent rights.
We do not guarantee, that the created site and his translation, does not contain mistakes, and also we do not we carry what
responsibility for direct or indirect consequences of application of the made site and his pages, including
because of probable mistakes or typing errors. Spbmaster does not give what guarantees, obvious or meant,
that translation will meet your requirements or expectations, will meet to your purposes and problems.
Spbmaster, neither the translator, nor services the Internet of a hosting, other firms or the physical persons concerning
creation, registration and display of contents of a site and his pages, do not bear the responsibility for straight lines or
indirect losses (including losses from loss of the profit, loss of the commercial information, etc.) which can
arise in consequence of use or impossibility of use of a site and his pages.
6. About the schedule of pages of a site
If you want to place on a site the graphic representations, a picture, a photo, emblems,
signs, symbols and another, - that direct them on ours E-mail, and we whenever possible shall place them on pages
of the site ordered by you, we shall prepare, we optimize.
Do not try to bring in pages of a site many graphic representations (except for sites of photo galleries, picture albums)
as it leads to to slower loading of a site in a browser of the user, that can frighten off the last.
We can pick up and offer you the to the schedule, at absence at you necessary.
The direction of graphic files of a format is desirable: gif and jpg.
For the information, the data, the text, programs, music, sounds, photos, to the schedule, video, messages and other
materials, directed to us for accommodation on a site, for the general access, crucially that customer who
has directed this information. We guarantee privacy of the customer, but privacy
can be broken in a case of socially dangerous consequences, or their prevention. In
this case the information, a site, page of a site - representing danger, or breaking the present rules,
the legislation, either lawfully roughly restraining whose or rights and interests - can be liquidated, up to or
without the warning of the customer - the owner of a site.
7. About terms of manufacturing of a site
Term of manufacturing of a site, under the order, from a week till 3 months, depending on a level of complexity and
requirements showed by the customer to a site. Can be prolonged: - because of complexity; - owing to long
dialogue by e-mail; - others independent from Spbmaster factors.
Term of full manufacturing of a site and his acceptance on technical support begins from
the moment of approval of the made site by the customer and passage of registration to search machines and catalogues of the Internet.
8. Technical support of a site
Technical support of the created site includes the following opportunities:
- Modification in pages of a site, his name, the text, the information, schedules, etc. the data -
according to your wishes;
- Registration, in services, catalogues and search services of the Internet;
- Additional registration, whenever possible, in other services offered by you, catalogues and search
services of the Internet;
- Support and conducting banner advertising of your site, and also the organization and conducting active
banner and other advertising of your site on the Internet, according to your desire;
- At the request of the customer - creation of mirrors, for systems of active advertising, as additional advertising ;
- The copy of a site will be is kept on our local computer, before the ending of term of technical support of a site, and
if necessary the site will be restored.
- Creation and addition of new pages of a site, in case of need;
- Liquidation of a site in a network the Internet, in case of need;
About technical support and advertising of a site you can familiarize, having pressed -
" Technical support ".
9. Subjects of sites to order
You can order manufacturing of a site of any subjects, except for forbidden by rules. We
have the right of refusal to the customer, in reception of the order for manufacturing of a site, without an explanation of the reasons.
for manufacturing of Internets - shops are not accepted, it is enough for this purpose and other services on the Internet.
10. Registration rights and conditions
Extract from the user agreement of a Yandex:
" After end of process of registration you receive a login and the password for access to the personalized part
of services of a Yandex. You bear the responsibility for safety of your login and the password, and also for everything, that will
be made on a Yandex under your login and the password. You have no right to transfer the registration (a login and the password)
to the third party, and also have no rights to receive him from the third party."
In this connection position registration rights: the login and the password for access to the created site, will
be is at Spbmaster. The right of editing of pages of a site will be is at Spbmaster. Editing
of pages of a site will be is made only at the request of the customer, agrees conditions of technical support of a site.
On the ending of term of technical support, and a stop of the agreed payments, or desires of
the customer to liquidate the registered site, the site will be liquidated from the registered hosting, and
also registration in services of the Internet then on E-mail the customer will once is removed are
sent pages of the created site with which the customer is free further to act at own discretion. After
that the copy of a site will be removed on local computer Spbmaster.
To consider a question on such registration politics it is possible from two parties : negative will be, that
the customer cannot and have no right to change - to edit page of a site independently, but at
the same time the positive side of it consists that on the Internet resources there is registration Spbmastera, instead
of the customer that is the best way to keep privacy of the customer.
That the customer does not have necessity itself is positive also to carry spend what or registration processes on the Internet,
to participate in advertising, to carry spend options and so on. Having expressed the wishes, on E-mail Spbmasteru,
the customer stands aside of problems of technical support of a site on the Internet.
Before the beginning of the order we strongly recommend to familiarize with rules and conditions
of " Technical support of a site ".
11. Additional conditions
Whenever possible, if the design of a site allows, on pages of a site there should be
our banner or the reference.
Order creation of a site you can having visited page:
" our quotations ".
The site is made: http://spbmaster.narod.ru, E-mail: Spbmaster@narod.ru