Web a site - Russia - Web design
Order creation of the site in SPbmasters
Information column under the order of creation of a site in a network of a Runet:
1. An introductory part.
2. Rules.
3. Our quotations.
4. That is forbidden.
5. Sites in Russian and English language.
6. The schedule of pages of a site
7. Term of manufacturing of a site
8. Technical support of a site
9. Subjects of made sites under the order
10. Volume of a site and his pages to order
11. Our conditions
To proceed to the Russian version of a site
1. An introductory part
In our progressive and technically developing time, in Russia it is more and more and more
people become users of a network the Internet. At such dynamics of growth of popularity of using Web
resources, it becomes necessary favourable: - an institution of the personal site on the Internet, for the
Russian-speaking population. Who that wishes to increase the popularity. Who that wants to leave memory of or
what or the important events. To inform about opening. To get acquainted. That that to tell. Small and big
firms, businessmen, wish to inform about the goods, services, to find contacts, for development of business.
And so on... The Circle of Internet users is very wide, and his growing role in
the world surrounding us is obvious.
Creation of a site - not such easy problem as can seem at first sight.
Resources many the Internet, recently, suggest to create " the site ", on the portals, but these sites "sample" and
practically are not visited. Also there is a set of programs for creation Web of pages and sites, but alas, not
all Internets - browsers reproduce a site as you have made him, and even in general give out a mistake of their reading.
We create sites, in language HTML, manually, using basic base tags HTML which perceive
practically all browsers. SPbMASTER is a private club webmasterov from Saint Petersburg, skilled, creative
and fair people to which should entrust creation of your site in a network the Internet.
2. Rules
For the order for manufacturing of a site it is necessary to familiarize with rules and if you
have understood them and have accepted, accordingly can make the order of a site. For acquaintance with rules and conditions
of the parties, on manufacturing and creation of a site, press - "Rules".
3. Our quotations
For more detailed acquaintance with our quotations, on manufacturing and creation of a site,
Press - " our quotations ".
You pay only our services on manufacturing a site: design, preparation web pages,
processing and optimization schedules, etc. web works on manufacturing a site, and also conditional time of
manufacturing of a site, time spent web masters on registration of a site in various services of the Internet, for the
traffic of the Internet, and for technical support of a site.
4. That is forbidden
Sites of pornographic character and with the contents of
other information of the Russian Federation forbidden by the legislation are not accepted on manufacturing. We also accept
conditions and rules of services , etc. services where in the subsequent will be or your Internet - a resource and
by that we undertake to not break their rule and restriction is registered.
We can give up to anyone, in reception of the order for manufacturing of a site, without an explanation of the reasons.
For more detailed acquaintance with rules and conditions, on manufacturing and creation of a site, press -
" Rules ".
5. Sites in Russian and English language
We create sites in two languages: the basic - Russian, and in addition we create sites in
English. The site can be ordered: in Russian, or in Russian together with pages in
English, or it is translated by us from English language and it is registered in a Runet in
Russian if it does not break whose or the author's or adjacent rights.
We do not guarantee, that the created site and his translation, does not contain mistakes, and also we do not we carry
what responsibility for direct or indirect consequences of use of the made site and his pages, including
because of probable mistakes or typing errors.
Who as not the Russian person, will create or will transfer a site in Russian which will be easily accessible to
people knowing Russian.
6. The schedule of pages of a site
If you want to place on a site the graphic representations, a picture, a photo, emblems,
signs, symbols and another, - that direct them on ours E-mail, and we whenever possible shall place them on pages
of the site ordered by you, we shall prepare, we optimize.
Do not try to bring in pages of a site many graphic representations (except for sites of photo galleries, picture albums)
as it leads to to slower loading of a site in a browser of the user, that can frighten off the last.
We can pick up and offer you the to the schedule, at absence at you necessary.
The direction of graphic files of a format is desirable: gif and jpg.
7. Term of manufacturing of a site
Term of manufacturing of a site from a week till 3 months, depending on a level of complexity and requirements
showed by you to a site.
Term of full manufacturing of a site and his acceptance on technical support begins from
the moment of approval of the made site by the customer and passage of registration to search machines and
catalogues of the Internet.
8. Technical support of a site
Technical support of the created site includes the following opportunities:
- Modification in pages of a site, his name, the text, the information, schedules, etc. the data -
according to your wishes;
- Additional registration, whenever possible, in other services offered by you, catalogues and search
services of the Internet;
- Support and conducting advertising of a banner exchange of your site, and also the organization and conducting active
banner, etc. advertising of your site on the Internet, according to your desire, except for participation in
systems of automatic promotion sites;
- The copy of a site will be is kept on our local computer, before the ending of term of technical support of a site, and
if necessary the site will be restored.
- Creation and addition of new pages of a site, in case of need;
- Destruction of a site in a network the Internet, in case of need;
About technical support and advertising of a site you can familiarize, having pressed -
" Technical support ".
You can order manufacturing of a site without technical support.
9. Subjects of sites under the order
You can order manufacturing of a site of any subjects, except for forbidden by rules. From
a private site about itself or relatives, a picture album to open what that secrets, news, to
advertise and give the information on the manufacture, business or the goods, on various services, simply help site, or
even an entertaining portal, and... We Remind, that we can give up to anyone, in reception of the order for
manufacturing of a site, without an explanation of the reasons. Orders for manufacturing of Internets - shops are not accepted,
it is enough for this purpose, etc. services on the Internet.
10. Volume of a site and pages to order
Restrictions: orders for manufacturing of sites consisting from 1 up to 20 pages Are accepted.
Sites of creative subjects can make exception. The maximal volume of each page
should be approximately equal true i.e. which you now read. Horizontal scrolling
of pages of a site is not approved. The volume of graphic representations should be optimum, i.e. it is good and desirable
to be loaded into a browser of the user quickly.
11. Our conditions
Whenever possible, if the design of a site allows, on pages of a site there should be
our banner or the reference (see lower) :
The site is made: http://spbmaster.narod.ru, E-mail: Spbmaster@narod.ru